My Dad’s Terrier is Blind, so I 3D Printed Him this Doggieshield
Posted by:
Fernando Sosa
Occurred on December 24, 2021 / Orlando, Florida, USA Info from Licensor: My dad’s dog is completely blind and keeps bumping into walls and stuff. I went to my computer and, after several prototypes, I was able to design and 3d print this very lightweight blind doggieshield. This new prototype is super lightweight, flexible, and it detaches the shield in case he gets stuck. Also, because it’s far enough from his mouth, he won’t be able to bite it. It’s also curved to be out of the way when he lays down. This is, again, a prototype and I’m currently donating a few pieces for people that can’t afford a product like this in exchange for some feedback/videos/pictures. I’m currently using my own material, 3d printers and paying a seamstress to sew the bands together. Credit: nuproto.
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