Woman Alleges Racial Discrimination at LA Store
Posted by:
Megan Milan
Occurred on January 19, 2022 / Santee Alley, Los Angeles, California, USA Info from Licensor: "I was walking downtown on my way to pick up some plants and herbs. I happen to pass Remy Collection (Recently changed to Hi Fashions and Remy Fashions of California). Something caught my eye outside, so I strolled in just to look. I immediately felt uncomfortable but brushed it off as my anxiety. As I was looking at brooches and listening to my audiobook on meditation, I felt a presence nearby. I immediately knew I was about to be discriminated against, as this is a common thing for black women in stores like these. I immediately turned my book off and started recording. I was in shock when she dug her hands in my pockets, especially in a pandemic where 6 feet is required. When I confronted her, she became angry when she realized I was recording her. My phone died and she began to call LAPD because she said I was violating her rights by filming her, though she violated my rights. I left knowing the internet and hopefully the law would handle the rest. I did not feel I should use violence. I do not react based on the poor actions of others and I didn’t want to risk being discriminated against by the LAPD while I was alone with no phone. As of now, the store is temporarily closed."
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