Colorful Chameleon Found in California Neighborhood
Posted by:
Richard Bruce Ireland
Occurred on October 11, 2021 / Carlsbad, California, USA Info from Licensor: "We do snake relocation in San Diego, California, and respond to 3-5 calls per day. This particular day was very different. The caller said he had a strange lizard and asked if I would come remove it. Upon my arrival to his home, I discovered what he had was a Panther Chameleon, bright colored and looking more like a bag of skittles candy than a reptile. I quickly knew this was no normal call. Panther Chameleons are native only to Madagascar, so I knew it had to be someone’s escaped pet. I wasn't at all sure how he would react to me so I was cautious. I know these animals can bite. I reached down to gauge his temperament, and he quickly climbed up my arm across my shoulder, up my face, and perched atop my hat. He was amazing. We are still trying to find out who and where "Max" came from but in the meantime, we are taking great care of him. If Max isn’t claimed we plan to be his new family."
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Made Live On:
Oct 16, 2021
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