Onewheel Rider Plays Sax and Grabs Trash
Posted by:
Andrey Kagan
Occurred on August 29, 2021 / Richardson, Texas, USA Info from Licensor: I have been riding my OneWheel for a couple of years now at it has basically become a part of my body. I learned the saxophone during the lockdown and I wanted to share what I learned with the world so I decided to play on the best platform I can think of, a motorized electric board that is basically magic. Even though my saxophone playing is not that great yet, people love the spectacle of me whimsically riding by as I play Pink Panther or any other handfuls of essential sax songs I memorized. The trash collection aspect came to mind as I noticed all the litter in the parks I was riding at, and figured it should not be that hard to add a trashcan to my setup and carry a trash claw with me. I have received nothing but positivity, cheers, and thumbs up as I do this ridiculous multitasking show on the move, and its always a blast."
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Made Live On:
Sep 03, 2021
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