Unconventional Fishing Gear Catches Garpike
Posted by:
Maria Bain
Occurred on July 3, 2021 / Corunna, Ontario, Canada Info from Licensor: "My friend Summer and I went out in my creek for a fishing day. We like to go a couple of times a week in my little paddle boat. So, we get to our little fishing spot about 2 mins down the creek. It was a hot day, so I took my shirt off and hung it over the side of the boat. All of a sudden, there was this garpike or long-nosed garpike swimming up to the boat. This fish grabbed my shirt and tried swimming away with it. Summer grabbed the shirt out of the water and pulled the fish around while I recorded until he finally let go. He ate a part of my shirt, and I got a great video of it."
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Made Live On:
Jul 06, 2021
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