Disabled Doggy Still Enjoys Exercise
Posted by:
Sarah Koslicki
Occurred on April 3, 2021 / Aurora, Ontario, Canada Info from Licensor: "Basil is a 4-year-old double amputee dog from China. He was rescued by his mom, Sarah, in April 2020 as a foster dog but was formally adopted by her in September. Basil has no back legs and uses a wheelchair to get around, however, he loves running around without his wheels! Due to ongoing medical issues with life-threatening, bacteria-resistant, recurrent UTIs, he wears 'pants' and 'overalls' (aka diapers and a drag bag) to protect him from any further bacterial infections. Despite his disability, he is the happiest dog on the planet and loves exploring with his mom."
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Made Live On:
May 12, 2021
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