Sparrowhawk Finishing a Blackbird in Slow Motion
Posted by:
Mike W Goodwin
Occurred on March 22, 2021 / Suffolk, England Info from Licensor: Swiftly and silently the Sparrowhawk descended onto the blackbird, spinning it over onto its back pressing its razor-sharp talons into the blackbird's breast. I grabbed my camera and filmed the last 9 seconds of the kill when the blackbird fought back, biting the sparrowhawk's leg. That forced the sparrowhawk into the final kill with a washing machine like tumble, tumble, tearing feathers off its victim, finishing it off, and flying away with its prize. The whole episode is mesmerizing in slow motion showing nature in its raw primitive unforgiving state.
File is Live!   (ID: 260813725)
Made Live On:
Mar 29, 2021
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