Dolphin Shows off Her Calf to Dolphin Feeding Café
Posted by:
Emily Shores
Occurred on March 3, 2021 / Tin Can Bay, Queensland, Australia Info from Licensor: "A rare Australian humpback dolphin calf only a day or so old being introduced to us for the first time at barnacles cafe & dolphin feeding in Tin Can Bay, Queensland. This is a very special time for us as it’s not often a new calf is born. Mother dolphin Ella is very proud and has a lot of trust in us to bring her fresh calf in to show off. The pod that comes in consists of 8 dolphins and occasionally a few from other pods will make an appearance. We are the only place in Queensland licensed to feed these rare wild humpback dolphins. They never cease to amaze us all, the alpha, mystique, regularly brings in items on his rostrum (nose), these items range from extremely old glass bottles, bits of coral and rocks, and even a pair of sunglasses."
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