Cartwheel Ends With Unexpected Crack
Posted by:
Lacey Slayden
Occurred on February 27, 2021 / Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Info from Licensor: "This is my cousin Michelle Letcher and I. We were spending our first full day in Vegas on vacation. She was a gymnast and had been doing cartwheels down Fremont which I have videos of also. She did a back handspring prior to this video as well and landed it perfectly. I kept telling her I wanted a backhand spring on video. So after awhile Mark and I finally convinced her to go out into the hallway of the hotel room and do one. Well, the video concludes what happened next. We didn't realize she broke her wrist at all until we went up to her. I brought her to the ER via Lyft which took an hour to arrive because it kept cancelling and she refused an ambulance. I'm a paramedic and she kept asking me if they were broke, I just kept saying they weren't when I knew they were. Finally got to the ER. She needed them both popped back into place and she has compound breaks on both wrist."
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Made Live On:
Mar 08, 2021
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