Curious Bobcat Spotted Strolling Along Trail
Occurred on February 24, 2021 / Whistler, British Columbia, USA Info from Licensor: "I walk this trail almost every day but have never seen anything like this. Lots of people walk their dogs along it, and at first, I thought it was a pet. That’s when I realized, 'that is ONE BIG CAT'. He was just kind of casually strolling along, and I stopped so as not to spook him. I love how he crosses the dotted line to stay on the right side of the road. Honestly it was a little scary as I have never been so close to a wild animal before; as he passed directly by me he looked me directly in the eye and growled very gently, then skittered past and went on his way. Just a couple of guys out for a stroll. The encounter occurred on the Valley Trail near Nita Lake."
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Feb 28, 2021
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