Talented Dude Catches Football while Balancing on High Slackline
Posted by:
Moises Monterrubio
Occurred on February 19, 2021 / Potrero Chico, Monterrey, Mexico Info from Licensor: "Highliner Moises (IG: Moecheese2408) amazingly catches a football while suspended 300 feet up in the air on a 1 inch slackline while his buddy Mauricio (IG: @mau.henriquez) perfectly throws the ball. Slacklining is an activity usually down between 2 trees and close to the ground with a piece of webbing to balance on, but some people take it to the next level and set up what’s called highlines hundreds or even thousands of feet up in the air while only depending on a climbing harness and a leash attached to the line, however even though it’s a very scary looking activity, it’s proven to be one of the safest extreme sports there is, it’s the mental part what challenges most."
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Feb 24, 2021
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