Adorable Girl Interrupts Company's Zoom Meeting
Posted by:
Beau Berman
Occurred on February 19, 2021 / Ithaca, New York, USA Info from Licensor: "During a marketing meeting for Layer Origin Nutrition's new PureHMO™ Prebiotic supplement line one of the employees excused himself for a moment and walked away from his computer. The meeting continued but a short time later, his daughter walked up to the computer and began talking with the other people in the meeting. She proceeded to reveal that she made a drawing for her "daddy" in art class with the help of a teacher, depicting that "mommy" is mad at daddy for "spending too much money on the superbowl," presumably from betting. It was a very cute and funny moment and slightly embarrassing. But the company is thankful that the meeting was being recorded."
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Made Live On:
Feb 26, 2021
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