Screaming Goat Has Head Stuck in Container
Posted by:
Nichole Graham
Occurred on February 9, 2021 / Leesburg, Georgia, USA Info from Licensor: "Floyd is our 7 week old Boer goat. He's just starting to get his horns. I came home from work and noticed Floyd toward the back of the yard and something didn't seem right. I finally realized he had something stuck on his head. My husband, Ryan, had tossed a plastic container onto the burn pile (he doesn't remember doing this). It's been too rainy here to burn. I guess Floyd wanted to check it out and the container got hooked on the back of his little horns and he was stuck, poor guy. I have no idea how long he was like that, but it could have been minutes to even possibly a couple of hours. We have a mini suburban farm with 22 chickens, 2 goats, a pig, 2 dogs, a cat, 2 ferrets, and a snake. We sure do love our pets."
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