Cuddly Kitty Loves Her Human
Posted by:
Catherine Casagrand
Occurred on February 9, 2021 / Maryland Heights, Missouri, USA Info from Licensor: "The cat's name is Princess Floof. She was adopted from the Humane Society, and her name comes from our two children being forced to compromise on what she's named. She loves to get cuddles every morning while we are making coffee and in the kitchen. She usually just stretches up with her front paws and waits for us to pick her up, but she was feeling especially needy this day. This is my partner, Dylan, holding her in the video. In this video, she demands cuddles but "lifts" herself into his arm, laying like a baby and making sure that Dylan holds her. He gives a happy and surprised look at the end."
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Made Live On:
Feb 11, 2021
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