Bear Breaks Into Car to Steal Candy
Posted by:
Gary Trampas
Occurred on January 29, 2021 / Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA Info from Licensor: "My wife and I had just arrived at our rental cabin while on vacation. Returning to my vehicle, the doors were closed but we had left it unlocked, to retrieve belongings I found a very large black bear in the passenger seat of my Yukon. I initially scared him off when I yelled for my wife to come to the porch but he returned to retrieve the jolly ranchers he found under the seat. My wife and I were trying to keep him from getting back in the car from the front porch and he decided he had enough of us nagging him and lunged at us. We quickly retreated in the house and locked the door (TWICE) because the Bear could obviously open doors."
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Made Live On:
Feb 01, 2021
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