Possible Drunk Driver on California Highway
Occurred on February 16, 2017 / Fremont, California, USA Info from Licensor: "I do not know if this driver was impaired in any way, but it was very obvious that they should not be behind a wheel. If this is a sober driver, how in God's green Earth could this person pass any type of driving test? This lady had no idea what was going on around her. She almost caused multiple collisions. I called 911 and was forwarded to the California Highway Patrol to give the plate number and vehicle description, as well as the whereabouts of said vehicle. I had about 25 extra minutes until my next stop so I followed the car just in case, just so happened they got off at the exit I was taking and ended up on some surface streets, even passed 2 city police officers that weren't aware of the driver."
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Made Live On:
Feb 24, 2017
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Request to license Possible Drunk Driver on California Highway
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