Freeing an Owl Caught in a Barbed Wire Fence
Posted by:
Tara Snider
Occurred on November 16, 2020 / Bee Branch, Arkansas, USA Info from Licensor: "I had been to the grocery store and on my way home I came across this Owl caught in a barbed wire fence. I wasn't far from my house so I ran and grabbed my husband, Doug and my neighbor to come help me get this little guy free or he was going to die. There was no way for him to ever get out of the mess he was in on his own. So, we went to work! It took a little bit, but Doug finally cut enough of his feathers to free him. He ended up being just fine and he flew off. The neat part is Doug and myself will sit outside on our porch at night time and call a couple Owls up. We often wonder if its the same owl we saved because this all took place not far from our home. This all took place in Arkansas out in the country!"
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