Bear Bathes in California Pond
Posted by:
Sandy Duvall
Occurred on September 16, 2020 / Sierra Madre, California, USA Info from Licensor: Our home has a freshwater pond that runs off of Mount Wilson and runs 24 hours a day year-round. Our pond has become the daily watering and bathing pond for much wildlife. The California fires have forced these animals into our city and they have found a spot to get much-needed water. Bears come all day along with raccoons, deer, mountain lions and many more. We are able to get amazing videos daily of the bears who are not bothered by humans at all. This video was taken during the day while I was driving up my driveway. At this time the fire was in full force and our town was full of smoke and ash. This boy was so exhausted, thirsty and dirty from the ash, he was enjoying our pond. After he cooled off, he tried to catch some goldfish and walked slowly up onto our hillside and laid down. Again, the bears are an everyday occurrence during the day throughout the early mornings."
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Made Live On:
Sep 24, 2020
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