Good Morning Mountain Goats
Posted by:
Sean R Jansen
Occurred on September 3, 2017 / Cooke City, Montana, USA Info from Licensor: "The setting took place in the Sky Top Lakes basin just below Montana's highest Peak, Granite Peak, at around 10,500 feet of elevation in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness. I was camping in early September 2017. When I awoke at sunrise, three Mountain Goats were simply grazing on what little vegetation there was just outside of my tent. I sat in my tent curled up in my sleeping bag just watching them mere feet away. The end result was an hour and a half of Mountain Goat watching an arms length away. I set the GoPro on a tripod and just let it run where they were grazing. One was curious enough to give the camera a sniff of investigation. It was possibly the highlight of my summer in that hour and a half."
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Dec 01, 2017
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