Quick Thinking Saves Driver From Devastating Crash
Posted by:
Bryan Bailey
Occurred on September 1, 2020 / Dallas, Texas, USA Info from Licensor: "I'm a trucker and always have my dashcam rolling. On this day the rain came out of nowhere and it made it a slick mess, I couldn't stop fast enough. I was hauling liquid and when I tried to stop the surge of the liquid was pushing me forward. So I had to find a way out of this mess, I took the ditch or grass culvert and barely missed the bridge and all the cars that were stopped in the middle of the road and shoulder. The end result, no one was killed, no damage to my truck, and if anything the truck might need its wheel alignment done. This is a lot cheaper than killing someone or myself. I have been driving trucks since 1997 when I was 21 years old."
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