Break In at Waikiki Bike Shop
Posted by:
Travis L. Counsell
Occurred on June 9, 2020 / Waikiki, Hawaii, USA Info from Licensor: "This video takes place at Bikeadelic Hawaii, a bicycle rental and tour shop in Waikiki, HI. Due to COVID-19, Waikiki is empty and stores are closed. This break-in occurred at 2:30 am using a long metal pole pried between the doors to break the glass. The man then proceeded to steal a bicycle in for repair. A second individual took advantage of the situation and stole another bicycle. These are not intelligent thieves as they stole inexpensive bikes and left everything else intact! The suspect who broke the glass has been caught by the police, the other remains uncaught. Neither bike has been recovered."
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Made Live On:
Jun 15, 2020
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