Toddler Spreads Love by Giving Water to Garbage Truck Driver
Posted by:
Antwon J. Smith
Occurred on May, 2020 / Nashville, Tennessee, USA Info from Licensor: "As soon as our toddler heard it coming, he sprinted to me with a huge smile and asked, 'Hey Dada! Can I please please give the the man who takes our garbage away this?! He needs it!' He was just so excited to spread love the best way he could. He watches them work EVERY Friday when they come (he's been doing it since he was 1 yrs. old, he's 3 now) without missing a beat. He always hears the truck's squeaking breaks, exhaust or engine before anyone! When he was too small to get to a window fast enough, he always asked me to pick him up so he could see them work. Now that he's bigger and it's no problem for him, he STILL always yells, 'I hear the garbage truck! Let's go! Let's go! Hurry!'"
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