Doggy Drops Drink While Fetching It From the Fridge
Posted by:
Megan Zimmerman
Occurred on May 8, 2020 / Elysian, Minnesota, USA Info from Licensor: "This video features combat wounded Veteran, Jack Zimmerman, and his senior hunter titled service dog, Moose. After being catastrophically injured while deployed in Afghanistan, and losing both his legs, Jack got Moose as a puppy to train into a service dog. Jack and Moose have spent thousands of hours training together and are the best of friends. Moose will pick anything up at the command of 'fetch' and helps Jack tremendously every day as Jack maneuvers life from a wheelchair. Jack and Moose are the first duo to ever qualify for a senior hunting title through AKC out of a wheelchair."
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Made Live On:
May 24, 2020
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