Massive Heavy Haul Truck Porn
Posted by:
James Falkowski
Was on my way to a site in Northern Alberta, when we ran into this massive load being hauled to one of the oil sands sites. Not the biggest haul that this road has seen , but one of them. The stretch of road they are on, is nicknamed "Super Test" for the reason it's an 8% grade, and push these trucks to the limit, with weights up to 600 tons. Not sure the weight of both of these vessels. Took us 2.5hrs to travel 40km, behind it. Bottom picture gives you an idea of the grade of the road, in which the first vessel was being hauled on. The video doesn't do justice on how big these things are until you drive by one. Lol. Mammoet is the company hauling them and Cessco Fabrication is the manufacturer of these beasts.
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Made Live On:
Feb 23, 2015
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