Customers Peeved Over Purchasing Limit
Posted by:
Casey (KC) Crain
Occurred on March 17, 2020 / Louisville, Kentucky, USA Info from Licensor: "A couple came up to the register with two carts, they told the cashier they had 23 total cases of Mountain Dew, 6 in the first cart and 17 in the second cart. As u can see they can't count well, They have 5 cases in the small cart. The cashier informed them that they have a limit of 3 that they can purchase due to covid-19. At this point, the employees moved the large cart out of the way. He asked for the manager. The manager came up. She said they could only get 3. He informed her that he was going to proceed to buy 3 then take them out come back in repeatedly until they had all the cases they wanted were. She told them they couldn't do that. At this point I started recording."
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Made Live On:
Mar 20, 2020
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