Base Jumper Who Nails Quad Front Flip Has Tense Landing
Posted by:
sean morey
Occurred on September 28, 2018 / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Info from Licensor: "There was a tension knot on the right side of my canopy, which was unclear to my knowledge. I corrected left to prevent diving rotation right. Then, I let up left and rotated 180 degrees, then brought the toggles down. I motioned back, missing the outer diameter of Kl tower and tree to the left, along with portion of roofing to my right. I landed feet to back with no severe damage to my person, though it was felt days after. I love my Black Jack regardless! It still technically saved my life. Note: 12 were done over the next 3 days. No more jumps were made by me this day. I wanted to feel and make sure I actually was fully intact adrenaline aside."
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