Boy Asks about Superbowl Post Surgery
Posted by:
Shane Turoski
Occurred on February 2, 2020 / Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Info from Licensor: "On Super Bowl Sunday, my 12 yr old son fell down 6-7 stairs backwards and broke his arm severely in 2 spots (ulna & radius). In order to set the bones, he needed to be sedated. This resulted in him being pretty loopy for an extended period of time at Children's ER in Pittsburgh, PA. He is a huge football fan and loves Patrick Mahomes. While we watched the game in our hospital room, he kept asking who was winning and was distraught every time when we said the 49ers were winning. He would immediately forget and ask again who was winning, becoming upset all over again and wishing the Kansas City Chiefs would win. He then told us that he knows Patrick Mahomes because he signed his Xbox."
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