Comic Bookstore Crash
Posted by:
Edward A. Walls
Occurred: January 6, 2017 / Huntsville, Alabama, USA Info from Licensor: "The DeeP Comics and Games was hit by car driven by a man having a seizure. I heard a very loud impact sound, and I stood up to investigate and was surprised by a Honda SUV passing through the building. I was shocked for a moment and then yelled to see if anyone had been hit by the car an injured, I then yelled for one employee to call 911. I then went to the passenger side of the car but it was locked, but I did see the driver was having a seizure. The path the driver took went through an Office Depot parking lot, then across another road and through a vacant parking lot before running through a fence which the owner of the vacant lot put in place to keep our customers out of it before entering our building via a large window."
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Made Live On:
Jan 09, 2017
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