Dry Ice Bombs, Don't Try This At Home!
Posted by:
Jason Asselin
Occurrence Date: January 1, 2017 / Kingsford, Michigan, USA Info From Licensor: "There is something amazing about watching a bottle grow under pressure and then exploding violently! This is what happens when you fill a bottle with super cooled dry ice, add water and tighten the top.. As the super cold ice meets the warmer liquid, carbon dioxide escapes as the ice melts. This process keeps going until the ice is completely gone, but if you screw the top on tightly the bottle will explode once it breaks though. One bottle did NOT go off as planned, it took almost an hour before it finally did too! These are definitely not toys and should be respected and understood before being played with.. The fact is one of these could very well take off your hand."
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Made Live On:
Jan 03, 2017
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