Driver Deftly Dodges Fallen Ladder on Freeway
Posted by:
Jason Kurth
Occurred on January 3, 2020 / Boca Raton, Florida, USA Info from Licensor: "A work van turned into my lane. A few seconds later, an unsecured ladder flew off the roof right in front of me into my path. I was lucky to be paying attention and driving at a safe distance, and was able to turn onto the shoulder to avoid it without losing control. The van driver braked, but did not stop. I continued to follow from a distance and contemplated trying to catch up and get a license plate, but they took a one-lane exit ramp, and I saw there were still more ladders on their roof, so I didn't want to risk another one flying off that I couldn't avoid."
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Made Live On:
Jan 06, 2020
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