Vixen Fox Shouting Match
Posted by:
Dora T Traudisch
Occurred on October 20, 2017 / Worthing, West Sussex, UK Info from Licensor: "This video features two vixens have a shouting match in my garden. On the left is Fudge, a subadult and the 'big sister' born spring 2016. On the right is her little sister, Twinkle, who was born in 2017. She has a much paler coat and still very cub-like features. Fudge helped to rear Twinkle, feeding and grooming her daily. Now she is making sure Twinkle knows who is boss. Going by the sounds you would think that sever fighting and biting is involved but all ended well. The vixens calmed down and went peacefully their own way with no harm done. It is likely that Twinkle wants to claim my garden as her territory this year as she might have cubs of her own. The battles for territories have begun up and down the country and this explains those crazy sounds you can hear at night time right now."
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Jan 10, 2018
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