Two Young Kids Left in Hot Vehicle
Posted by:
Jessica Leija
Occurred on August 9, 2016 / Houston, Texas, USA Info from Licensor: "I was in a building when I heard a sound like a cat in pain and I looked out the window. I out walked down and saw two children inside a red vehicle. One of the kids was in his car seat screaming his little head off. There was a another child, maybe about 5-6 years old. I wanted to try to get closer to the vehicle to help. The 5 year-old jumped out of the driver side window and ran inside. I had just realize that the mother had to be inside the cricket store. After the child went in, I thought that mother was going to run out to help her children but she took her sweet time. When I confronted the mother, she did not care. I was asked many time why I don't call the police. I don't have a cell phone. When she went back in with the excuse them about her brother just died and was going to the funeral or something like that. When she jumped in the car, I told her "Aren't you going check you child give him some water to comfort him?". She did not care, so I told I was going to report her she stated that they weren't going to find her because the vehicle does not even belong to her. We did some research and the plate number does not exist is not register. She took off with the kids."
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Made Live On:
Aug 12, 2016
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