Tortoise Love at the Zoo
Posted by:
James Richard Basterash
Occurred on July 30, 2016 / Henry Vilas Zoo, Madison, WI, USA Info from Licensor: "On Saturday, July 30th, myself, my wife, and two close friends were at the Henry Vilas Zoo in Madison playing Pokemon Go. We had heard there was a variety of Pokemon there, so we decided to check it out. As we were playing and checking out the real animals we heard a horrible grunting noise off in the distance. When we tracked down the source, we found two Tortoises in the middle of passionate love making. I began recording, and soon a crowd formed as we all took part in witnessing this crazy, hilarious event. After I stopped recording, the two love birds continued to go at it for at least an hour. We knew this, of course, because we could hear the heroic "grunt" of the male tortoise all across the zoo the entire afternoon." - James Richard Basterash
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Made Live On:
Aug 08, 2016
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