Two Thieves Steal from a Car at Stop Light
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Occurred on June 30, 2016 / Seawinds, Cape Town, South Africa Info from Licensor: " I caught these buggers boosting stuff from a pickup truck at the corner of Military Road and Prince George Drive. This is a regular occurrence at this intersection, these guys have done this countless times, but this is the first time they have been caught on camera. While all this was happening, my hand was on the horn the whole time and they did not even blink an eye. Secondly, I was moving forward to try and either knock them down and/or pin them to the car in front, but unfortunately the car in front started moving forward (you'll notice, if you pay attention, that my car is moving forward almost all the time. I actually hit them fairly hard when they turned around. The guy on the right fell down and lost his headgear." - M.C. Nussey
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