Guy Calls Number on Van to Alert Driver That They're Blocking the Left Lane
Posted by:
Vinay Sisoukraj
Occurred on March 22, 2016 / North Texas, USA Info from Licensor: "I was following a van for around 10 minutes waiting for him to leave the passing lane. His speed varied between 60 and 70 mph, usually going closer to 60 mph. The speed limit on the highway is 70 mph. After ten minutes instead of tailgating him, flashing my lights, or honking I decided to just give them a call since they had their number on the back of the van. I was surprised to get connected to the actual passenger of the van rather than their office. The call went well, and the driver moved over rather quickly. I still don't think they know who called them."
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Request to license Guy Calls Number on Van to Alert Driver That They're Blocking the Left Lane
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