Annoyed Driver Plows Through Gate
Posted by:
Richard Greco
Occurred on December 6, 2018 / Lakeland, Florida, USA Info from Licensor: "I’m the truck driver in the semi. I was waiting behind a store to get loaded when I noticed the car coming over the hill. The back of the store is frequently used as a road, so cars tend to speed through. The store installed 2 gates, one at each end. The gate behind me was locked, and I was trying to be nice to inform the driver that he’d get stuck and waste time having to turn around, so I waved and used hand signals to tell him. He must’ve thought I was trying to be mean or something as he flipped me off, and blindly accelerated into the edge of the open gate. The vehicle was very damaged. He was red with embarrassment after when I explained why I stopped him. He was towed after."
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