Ladder on Highway Causes Crash
Posted by:
Austin Edenfield
Occurred on October 21, 2017 / San Antonio, Texas, USA Info from Licensor: "My wife and I were traveling along 410 in San Antonio, Texas, headed to New Braunfels. During our travel, a car in one of the far right lanes of travel collided with a ladder in the road while merging lanes. This collision launched the ladder across 3 lanes of traffic, directly in the path of my truck. With no reaction time, I ran over the ladder, with no complications. The woman in the lane next to me, however, swerved to avoid the ladder as it entered her lane. In the process, she over-corrected her swerve, and slid back towards my truck, ending up directly in front of my truck. We collided, totaling her car and doing $3000 of damage to my vehicle. My truck then proceeded to slide across all 4 lanes of travel, narrowly missing two vehicles and a semi during the slide. The resulting insurance investigation tried to rule it both of our faults, but after viewing the video it was determined that she was fully at fault."
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