Tough Time Parking A Ferrari
Posted by:
Johana Marcela Forman Ruano
Info From Licensor: "This video was not uploaded in order to take as a mockery of the driver of the vehicle, but rather a matter of seeing the maneuvers that had to do this driver to enter the vehicle at the respective place, as you can see the space is not large or broad so that it can reconcile as if it were any other sitio.A many caused us grace to see what had happened since they had never seen anything like this in a place of these, much less with this brand of vehicles, but also worry us status driver of this because because as all being human makes mistakes, then it already made this fact and only this will remain a great memory with which some will cause them Risa, temper, sadness or even will seem silly but simply he waited because this is not misunderstood and taken as a mockery of the person driving this car." Location: Bogota, Colombia
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Made Live On:
Feb 12, 2016
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