Catching a Glimpse of Extremely Rare Spirit Bear
Posted by:
Vanessa Prigollini
Occurred on / Canada Info from Licensor: "I was raised in a 21 million people city where I spent most of my life, but I have always had the explorer gene in me which has taken me to explore some of the most remote and pristine places on Earth but also to look for the rarest species. Several years ago, I heard about the Spirit Bear, one of the rarest animals on the planet, a black bear that is white-cream coated. So last summer, I got a job in the Great Bear Rainforest, this huge place which is home to the Spirit Bear. I spent 3 months working up there, in one of the most beautiful and pristine places I´ve ever been, not touched by human hand. After several weeks of spending every day sitting on a log, for hours, sometimes under the pouring rain of the rainforest hoping to see this spirit of the forest, it finally happened. In the middle of the very green forest, this white beautiful bear appeared and I can truly say it has been one of the happiest moments in my life for which I am truly grateful, as I am one of the few people in the world who has been lucky enough to see this miracle of nature."
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Jun 24, 2019
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