High School Graduation Interrupted By Altercation
Posted by:
Joe McKinney
Occurred on May 30, 2019 / Houston, Texas, USA Info from Licensor: "Aldine High School Graduation on May 30, 2019. A graduate was in the middle of her speech when there was sudden yelling from a section further back from the stage. I look back and see punches being thrown. I pulled out my phone and started recording. Cops were quick and responsive, reacting all within 15-20 seconds of the initial commotion. According to a student after the fight, someone was holding a seat for her husband and had her purse occupying the seat. Someone else decided to disregard the saved seat and picked up the ladies purse, which is what allegedly caused the fight. The young lady giving her speech continued without hesitation while the majority of attendees were paying attention to the fight. Cops escorted those involved out. Faculty didn't acknowledge the disruption after the young lady finished her speech."
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