Gyrfalcons Getting Fed
Posted by:
mark williams
Occurred on May 20, 2019 / Dubai, UAE Info from Licensor: "These rare captive-bred gyrfalcons are being bred to be used for traditional hunting and the unique falcon races developed in the United Arab Emirates as a means for Arab falconers to still have a reason to own a falcon and maintain their cultural heritage. These 4-6 day old gyrfalcon chicks are given a head start by being hand fed for the first few days of their lives before being placed back with the parents to raise naturally. The real eggs were pulled and hatched in an incubator weeks earlier and the parents meanwhile take turns sitting on the dummy eggs. Then suddenly one morning they will discover their beloved eggs have hatched and will immediately start feeding them as the screams of the chicks instantly trigger the maternal characteristics of the parents. The chicks were too young to imprint on the human foster parent and will grow up as normal parent reared baby falcons."
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