Rabid Skunk Chase
Posted by:
Robert F. Koontz
Occurred on September 2, 2017 / New Alexandria, Pennslyvania, USA Info from Licensor: "I was working a jig off of a deep ledge 20 yards off shore when I noticed movement in my peripheral vision. Thinking it might be a stray cat I turned my head and knew right away this skunk was rabid by the way it was approaching me and I could see its injured and probably bitten front leg. I put my rod down and began to back away thinking it might just walk by me, but it turned and followed me all the way to my car. I grabbed what I could find, my fishing net, and when it became apparent it was not going to stop and would infect other animals. I put it down as humanely as possible."
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Made Live On:
Sep 06, 2017
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