Little Girl Gently Loves on Big Bunny
Occurred on February 23, 2019 / Seattle, Washington, USA Info from Licensor: "Cocoa Puff is our 18lb Continental Giant pet rabbit who lives in our house cage-free. He is litter boxes trained just like a cat. He is extremely calm and loving, especially to our two children, 3 years old and 6 years old. In this video, my three-year-old daughter was showing me that she knows how to be “soft” to Cocoa Puff. Teaching children how to treat animals is so important and a continuous process in our home. Cocoa Puff, being extremely docile and tolerant, has been the best teacher for my children. Since Cocoa Puff is cage free, I find both my children laying and cuddling with Cocoa Puff through out the day, just like in this video."
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Made Live On:
Mar 22, 2019
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