Snails Can't Get Enough of Baby Carrot
Posted by:
Nicole L Sopko
Occurred on January 18, 2019 / Chicago, Ilinois, USA Info from Licensor: "I have two nerite snails named Randolph and Mortimer (yes, after the Dukes in Trading Places). They are sisters who have lived with me for over a year. Up until this point, I had offered them a few types of food that they were not interested in, but one day I offered this baby carrot to them and shortly after, found Randolph doing what you see in this video. I left the carrot in for about a week, during which time Randolph and Mortimer ate the whole thing. In this video, I don't think she's eating it, but simply playing. I have other videos of her eating where you can clearly see her moving her head and engaged in the activity of eating. This is just her having fun. I am a 'fish person' with many rescued fish and aquatic pets just trying to show the world what lovely people fish, snails, shrimp, and others are! They have so much personality and are so fun to be around!"
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