This Doggy Can't Contain Love For Daycare
Posted by:
Nicole Mitterer
Occurred on January 24, 2019 / Wilsonville, Oregon, USA Info from Licensor: "The video is a clip from the mornings that Enzo goes to Doggy Day Care Safeandhound. He loves it there, especially when Ali is there to greet him. Enzo always wiggles uncontrollably when he sees people he knows and loves. Enzo has a condition called Cerebral Abiotrophy, which means that the part of his brain that controls motor function is not the size it should be and he can not always control his movements. This is more pronounced when he is excited. I asked Ali if I could film him coming in because he gets so excited and she agreed. I posted the video to show anyone that follows us how much he loves daycare."
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Made Live On:
Feb 21, 2019
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