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Does ViralHog monetize its social media pages? For example, will my video make revenue if it gets posted to ViralHog's social media?
Whenever possible, our team will post content to our monetized pages on social media. If your video is posted to one or more of our monetized pages, any resulting revenue will be reported in your account dashboard and paid to you per your licensing agreement. However, please remember that we are sometimes limited in what we can post on social media.

Posting limitations are due to each platform's terms of service and community guidelines. Because of these limitations, we can't guarantee that your video will be posted to our social pages. Likewise, monetization eligibility varies from platform to platform. So, unfortunately, some videos posted to our monetized pages may not be eligible for monetization.

While this is the case, our goals align with yours due to our agreement's structure and our love for this industry, so our team is taking steps to maximize the return you receive on your video.
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Do you have other questions?
Don't hesitate to ask us - we're always ready to assist you!
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3701 Trakker Trl Unit 1C
Bozeman, MT 59718-9202 USA
Phone: +1 406.922.2588
Copyright © ViralHog, LLC