I saw my video. Where is my sale?
If you have seen your video being used, it's possible that the usage you observed is from an authorized sale that has yet to be reported to us. Many of our partners report their usage on a delayed cycle.

Our Rights Management Team can provide you with more details. If you have any unauthorized usage to report, you can add those details to the "Report Unauthorized Usage" section of your dashboard.

Alternatively, you can reach out to us at help@viralhog.com for further information.
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Where is my video being used? How do I keep track of my video's sales? Will you notify me when you sell a license for my video?
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What are you doing to protect my personal information? For example, are my contact details available to the public?
Do you have other questions?
Don't hesitate to ask us - we're always ready to assist you!
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3701 Trakker Trl Unit 1C
Bozeman, MT 59718-9202 USA
Phone: +1 406.922.2588
Copyright © ViralHog, LLC