April Fools' Frozen Cereal Prank Leads To Boy's Meltdown
Posted by:
Meagan Schrecengost
Occurred on April 1, 2024 / Colorado, USA Info from Licensor: "Leading up to April Fools’ Day, we had brainstormed some harmless pranks we could play as a family. Both our kids were thrilled with the idea. Our son mentioned he didn’t want pranks specifically aimed at him but was planning a few for others. However, when April Fools’ Day arrived, we had nothing planned. Our daughter was disappointed, having eagerly anticipated being pranked. Last minute, we decided to freeze bowls of cereal for the kids, but it wouldn’t be ready until later that evening. After dinner, we told them they could have Lucky Charms for dessert before bed, which they were delighted about. However, our son’s excitement quickly turned to extreme frustration when he realized he had been pranked and the Lucky Charms, which he had been eagerly anticipating, were frozen solid. None of us, including my son, had anticipated such a dramatic reaction to a harmless prank. We quickly got him a fresh bowl of Lucky Charms and reassured him that we didn’t mean to cause any hurt feelings. Our son has since decided that April Fools’ Day is just a fun and playful occasion. He laughs at himself in this video and looks forward to pranking us every April 1st."
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