Can I be anonymous?
Yes, you have the option to be anonymous in our system. If you choose to be anonymous, your name and crediting information will be removed from our licensee portal and platform player.

Additionally, your account will be flagged to indicate that you do not want to be contacted directly by ViralHog's partners. You can submit a request to become anonymous at any time, whether you have recently signed up or have been working with ViralHog for years.

We respect your privacy and will accommodate your preference to be anonymous. Please reach out to our Support Team at for more information.
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Is there a minimum age to submit a video?
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How long will it take for my video to be made "live"?
Do you have other questions?
Don't hesitate to ask us - we're always ready to assist you!
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3701 Trakker Trl Unit 1C
Bozeman, MT 59718-9202 USA
Phone: +1 406.922.2588
Copyright © ViralHog, LLC